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Friday, December 30, 2011

Running executable files on a remote computer

To run executable files on a remote computer first of all you have to download the Pstools suite.
You can download Pstools from here:

About Pstools suite:Light bulb
Pstools is a command line tool package, that has some tools like the; psexec, pslist, psservice, psloggedon and some more tools.
PsTools let you manage local AND remote systems, that's nice because we want to do some remote stuff.
One of the relevant tool for this post is Psexec which lets us to run a program on the remote system/host.

Sysntax for Psexec: Light bulb
Psexec -i \\HOST P:\a\t\h\program
The -i option let you run it interactively.
Where the \\HOST is is the host computer name or IP address.
Then you give the path of the program and the program name to be run.

Psexec -i \\Rajeev-PC C:\WINDOWS\System32\mspaint.exe
Psexec -i \\Rajeev-PC "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" “

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